Tools of the Trade

Discover Essential Tools for Your Trade: Stay Ahead with the Right Software and Equipment

Equip Yourself for Success: Unveiling the Must-Have Tools and Equipment for Your Trade, Plus Future Wishlist Ideas

Explore Tools of the Trade: Master Your Craft with the Perfect Software and Equipment, and Learn to Distinguish the Must-Haves from the Maybes

Kelly Colman

No matter what stage you're at in your business journey, the appropriate tools can make a significant impact. Picture this:

A notebook, a cup of tea, and a laptop resting on your desk. With the right tools, you can save numerous hours every week and reduce a substantial amount of stress (giving you more time to focus on what you truly enjoy – a monumental victory!).

By leveraging these tools, you can automate essential marketing activities such as email marketing, list building, and maintaining a strong presence on social media. Consequently, you can bypass the need for expensive freelancers and avoid the challenges of doing things the hard way, potentially saving you thousands of pounds.

However, it’s crucial to understand which tools are appropriate for each stage of your business. After all, nothing is worse than having unused software cluttering your digital desktop, right?

Allow me to take the lead in this regard. I personally experiment with various tools to determine their effectiveness, providing you with honest recommendations on what you need and precisely when you need it. My goal is to empower you in creating a profitable business that you genuinely adore.



Welcome to the world of Amazon business! As you embark on your journey, it’s crucial to prioritise product research, as the success of your Amazon venture relies heavily on the product you choose to sell. In this introductory guide, we will delve into the essential details you need to consider, including factors such as your available budget for stock and other essential components.
To assist you in this exciting chapter, we have curated a selection of valuable tools and tips specifically tailored for starting your FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) business. These resources will empower you to make informed decisions, maximise your potential for success, and pave the way for a profitable venture on Amazon’s platform.
With the right tools at your disposal and the knowledge to navigate this dynamic marketplace, you can confidently take the first steps towards building a thriving Amazon business. Let’s dive into the world of free software and tools designed to enhance your product research and propel your FBA business forward.
Get Started with Your Amazon FBA Business: 10 Recommended Tools to Accelerate Your Success

AMZ Scout - Explore the power of AMZ Scout with exclusive discount codes:

Use code “ENJOY15” for $15 off your first month: AMZ Scout – $15 Off Unlock insightful reports with this link: AMZ Scout – Reports Monthly subscription bundle: AMZ Scout

Helium 10

Supercharge your Amazon FBA journey with the industry-leading Helium 10 suite.
Monthly Subscription Helium 10 – Supercharge your Amazon FBA journey with the industry-leading Helium 10 suite. Benefit from our exclusive discount codes: “OWP10” for 10% off forever: Helium 10 – 10% Off Forever “OWP20” for 20% off for 6 months: Helium 10 – 20% Off for 6 Months

Jungle Scout

Supercharge your Amazon FBA journey with the industry-leading Jungle Scout suite.

SellerApp - Optimize your Amazon listings, track keywords, and monitor your competition:


FeedbackWhiz - Streamline your customer communication, manage feedback, and enhance your seller reputation:


Keepa - Track product price history, set price alerts, and make informed pricing decisions:


InventoryLab - Simplify inventory management, accounting, and profitability analysis:


CashCowPro - Monitor your Amazon sales, analyze profits, and uncover new opportunities:


Viral Launch - Discover winning product ideas, optimize listings, and drive sales:

Viral Launch

CamelCamelCamel - Track price changes and set alerts for products you're interested in:

Make the most of these powerful tools to supercharge your Amazon FBA business. Remember to use the provided discount codes for Helium 10 and enjoy exclusive savings on your journey to success!


Top 10 Tools to Kickstart Your Knowledge-Based Online Business
Are you ready to transform your expertise into a profitable online venture? Selling your knowledge can be incredibly rewarding, and all you need is a 10% edge over others to monetize your valuable insights. Here are the top 10 recommendations and essential tips to help you embark on your journey:


Create and sell online courses effortlessly, with user-friendly course creation tools and a robust learning management system. Start Teaching with Teachable


Build a professional online course platform, engage your students, and generate revenue from your knowledge. Discover Thinkific


Share your expertise through online courses, digital downloads, and membership subscriptions, all in one platform. Unlock the Potential of Podia


Create, market, and sell your digital products, courses, and memberships with ease, while managing your entire online business. Get Started with Kajabi


Grow your audience and nurture relationships through email marketing, automation, and customizable landing pages. Supercharge Your Email Marketing with ConvertKit


Connect with your audience through virtual meetings, webinars, and online workshops, providing an interactive learning experience.


Build a robust membership site, restrict content access, and monetize your knowledge through recurring subscriptions. Enhance Your Membership Business with MemberPress

Google Workspace

Communicate, collaborate, and manage your online business with professional email, cloud storage, and productivity tools.
Start selling on Amazon


Design visually captivating course materials, graphics, and promotional materials to enhance your brand and attract learners.
Start selling on Amazon


Accept secure online payments from your customers, enabling hassle-free transactions for your knowledge-based products.
By leveraging these powerful tools and following effective marketing strategies, you’ll be well on your way to transforming your knowledge into a successful online business. Click on the links above to explore each tool and take the first step towards monetizing your expertise.


I’m Kelly Colman, and I’m delighted you’ve taken a moment to reach out. Connecting with like-minded professionals, followers, and potential collaborators is what I cherish the most. Whether you’re interested in discussing potential business opportunities, sharing ideas, or simply saying hello, I’m here for it.
**Let’s Make Connections That Matter.**
Kelly Colman
**LinkedIn**: Discover my professional journey and connect with me on [LinkedIn]( It’s a space where I share insights, updates on my latest projects, and engage with industry news. Feel free to connect; I’m always open to expanding my professional network.
Kelly Colman
**Instagram**: For a glimpse into my personal endeavors, behind-the-scenes content, and the occasional motivational quote, follow me [@kellycolmanofficial]( on Instagram. Let’s inspire each other.
**Book a Call**: Have something more formal in mind? I’m available for consultations, speaking engagements, and collaborations. Schedule a time with me directly through my [Calendly]( Let’s talk about how we can work together to achieve something great.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you. Let’s explore the possibilities.